特別招待講演①【11/7, 13:00-14:00】

田中 利幸(京都大学 大学院情報学研究科 教授)


特別招待講演②【11/7, 14:15-15:15】

Andrzej Cichocki (Systems Research Institute of Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw Poland and University Nicolaus Copernicus (UMK), Torun, Poland, Full Professor)

題目: Tensor Networks for Selected Signal Processing Applications
講演概要: In this talk we will overview fundamental tensor decompositions models and basic tensor networks, especially hierarchical Tucker, CUR, tensor train, tensor ring, and deep tensor chain models. Their basic properties and algorithms will be briefly discussed and illustrated by computer animations. Various signal and image processing applications of tensor networks will be also discussed, especially, blind source separation, tensor completion for image reconstruction, denoising and enhancement; Low rank tensor networks for data compression, including compression of deep neural networks; and generalized time series forecasting using tensor ARIMA models.

特別招待講演③【11/7, 15:30-16:30】

Jinhong Yuan (Professor, School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales)

題目: Delay-Doppler Plane Multi-Carrier Modulation: A Promising Signal Waveform for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)
講演概要: In this talk, we first revisit linear time-varying channel’s representations in the time-frequency domain and the delay-Doppler domain. Then we briefly review recent development of orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation. Motivated by OTFS, we introduce a general multi-carrier (MC) modulation on delay-Doppler plane. A delay-Doppler plane orthogonal pulse (DDOP), which is essential for delay-Doppler plane MC modulation waveform, is presented. We investigate the frequency domain representation of the DDOP, and compare the DDOP-based MC modulation with other modulation schemes. Various low complexity detection algorithms for the DD plane MC modulation are discussed. Interestingly, we show perfect orthogonality property of the DDOP with respect to delay-Doppler resolutions using its ambiguity function, which infers that the proposed MC signal waveform is suitable for integrated sensing and communications (ISAC).

特別企画:チュートリアルセッション「通信のための確率推論の最前線」【11/6, 9:30-12:30】



  • 高橋 拓海(大阪大学 大学院工学研究科 助教)
  • 飯盛 寛貴(エリクソンジャパン)
  • 佐藤 光哉(電気通信大学 人工知能先端研究センター 助教)

特別企画講演【11/7, 10:30-11:30】

Anthony Kuh (Professor,Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Hawaii/ Program Director, Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Division, National Science Foundation(NSF))

題目: AI Research and Education Opportunities at the United States National Science Foundation
講演概要: This talk discusses research and education activities in AI, data science, and machine learning at the National Science Foundation (NSF). We discuss convergent research combining basic principles in AI and machine learning with applications (including infrastructure systems). We then discuss NSF’s investment in fundamental research in AI including collaborations with the Simons Institute. Finally, we discuss NSF efforts in education to train the next generation of researchers in AI and also consider careers in academia.

企業ワークショップ (MathWorks社)【11/7, 12:00-13:00】

題目: Back to Basic: MATLAB & Simulink のご紹介 ~信号処理・無線通信系トピックを中心として~